Wednesday, December 31, 2008

OUR CUTE KIDS Christmas 2008

Christian (holding Luke), Spencer, Faith & Dallin
This is their picture where they are anticipating what surprises Christmas may bring. It was a very fun day!
Luke turned 9 months old on Christmas. Grandma Medell said he looked like our little Christmas elf.

This is the Coolest Train

Isn't Christmas a Wonderful Time

I wonder what's in the Egg

Dinos are fun!

Just so Cute in 3D

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wow that was a really fun train ride!!!

Well I am not sure if Dallin thought so. Either he is looking for candy in that bag or he must feel sick. ;o)

Faith and Spencer loved it too!

Dave and Jean when they came to visit in September

Aaron & Dave with Luke.
We were thrilled to see Aaron's brother and his family again.

Dave, Jean & Jake and our clan.
It was good to have them visit. As you can tell from the picture we weren't thrilled to be parting ways again. We sure miss them!

Kids with a Witch at Gardner Village before Halloween.

This is the really awesome pumpkin Aaron carved for Halloween.

All dressed up and loving spending time with our cousins Jayden, Madie & Grandpa Medell.