Thursday, August 5, 2010

Speeding over the Hill

We had a BIG SURPRISE 60th Birthday PARTY for my Mom. She had an idea something was up, especially when the house got all cleaned up and decorated. So she got dressed nice and got her hair done, thinking that they were taking her on a drive to dinner while guests showed up at the house. Dad stopped at the Church for something on the way. And SURPRISE the party was there with many friends & family in attendance. A fun, wonderful video about her life was playing, done by my sister in law Jen. This was my Mom's fancy outfit for the night. A fancy crown, STYLISH glasses and handy cane that has a magnifying glass, dirty man repellent, extra pantyhose and it squeaked every time it touched the ground, so she squeaked as she walked.


LOL, there were lots of fun decorations and funny sayings everywhere. Many friends and family who couldn't come wrote some great letters. Mom had a great time. I wish I had gotten pics of her with her siblings and other guests. Sad.

She is such a hottie, that Steve put a bag of ice under her shirt to cool her down.

Can you believe she is having kids still? Is she crazy? Good thing we got her the funny cane.

What a fun display of cupcakes and a special cake for Mom. She loved it! If you click on the cake below it gets larger and you can read it. It is a gas.

I hope my Mom can making it flying over many more hills and valleys. Love ya Mom! I am so glad it turned out so fun. We loved telling you about all of the things you had no idea about, like Dad sneaking to plan with us when you thought he was at work. Or when you thought Kendra was watching my kids, but she was really helping us sort pics. Or why the basement looked different, but you had no idea boxes of pics were missing. But I still love how Kendra and Dad cleaned & decorated the house to throw you off. What a hoot! You are loved!!!

The heavens smiled when they gave us these fun loving boys. Happy Birthday Christian & Dallin (2 yrs & 2 days apart)

Christian helped me design & decorate this cake. What boy could ask for more? I am just trying to decide if I would want to meet it in the wild. :-O Christian LOVES it!

"Wow, cool a new game. It is called Mr. Mouth. Hmmm, can we play it NOW?"

OK, maybe I should wait and play with this SUPER COOL Magna Doodle. The magnet is a car and it can drive on it MOM! That is so cool!

I truly love these boys, they make me smile. Energy, Enthusiasm and full of life.

This Beautiful Rainbow shone on the day in between their Birthdays. We could see a full double rainbow and the sunshine was breaking through the clouds. It was AWE inspiring. It reminded me that Heaven is not that far away. And it has blessed us with wonderful children.

Dallin loved how this dinosaurs tail swished back and forth. But best of all he finally had a dinosaur that was all his OWN.

HEAVY-HEAVY-HANGOVER! Man that looks heavy, I better duck, maybe it won't get me. Hee, hee, hee. Oh boy, am I lucky it wasn't that heavy?

Loving his Cookie Monster Cake. He still talks about it regularly a year later.

Thanks for brightening our lives boys! You make me smile!

Just HOW CRAZY do we get?

Well my Mom didn't ever do my hair like that for school.

But then again, Spencer seems to think it is perfect for crazy hair day.

Faith needed a quicker do. She has had some fun wild ones in the past. This is six different hairstyles in one. Her crazy Mom couldn't decide so she wore them all.

Then we got even crazier when we went from this



Go girl! You can do it, even in a dress and heels.

It seemed like there were many more things boys like to do. Well, it is fun for girls too.

We didn't have her do this one in a dress. She was bummed, but she has done it before and since. Way to go Spencer!

This is really fun!

Hang on for the ride

Or knock it out of the park.

Where is the 1 yr old Birthday boy, you say?

Here he is. Isn't he so cute? I wonder if he knows where that sucker got to.

Yum! The perfect 1 yr old birthday dinner. Mac & Cheese with Hot Dogs. No clothes? Well you will see why later when we don't pull the same trick. Bibs got nothing on this kid.

That is interesting. What is it???

OH! It is cake. OK, I will try it.

Wow, that was good! This carrot nose is good too. Never tasted a carrot like that before. Could all of my carrots taste like chick o stick, Mom?

I am cute even when I am messy.

But please stop taking pictures. The paparazzi will be all over me.

We had a wonderful birthday party with cousins, but pictures didn't turn out well, many were out of focus or other kids got in the way. He loved his ABC ELMO and pull behind Elephant and other fun presents, and so did all of the other kids at the party, hence why they were in the picture.

Luke is a sweetie! We are so glad to have him in our family!

Spencer's 7th Bday with Spidery Tingly Effects

These Superheroes helped create the perfect environment. They made these AWESOME webs. There were more hung on other walls. I think Spiderman felt right at home.

They tested the Super Powers of these guys who can walk down walls. They can walk down walls, but get a little caught up in string.

And this one seemed to be afraid of heights. He was holding on for dear life. These superheroes might need to just stick to walking down walls.

Oh no! The Superheroes got caught in a web. They don't look too worried though. I think they can break through and save the day.

They did it! And still have enough energy to play. But Look Behind Them at that mess on the door in the other room. I forgot to get a picture, but this is when they used Spider Spray to catch evil villians to make the world a safer place.

Then they were called upon to hatch some spider eggs. Tougher than you think.

Don't do it! You are a Superhero, but kids are watching. ;)

They had a SUPER time. Spencer loved it! How will I ever top it? Maybe that is why we haven't had one this year. I think I missed out on the invincible powers.

Late, but as promised Faith's 9th Bday Bash

These girls are Darling! They had such a good time. Sadly 4 of them have moved away, so Faith misses them very much.

Um, is that the way you normally get dressed? Her pants were so big she could pull them up over her shoulders. I wish mine could do that. ;)

Break on through, Break on through to the other side and get this party started!

The party started with Birthday SALON. But this was not your normal pampering. They were challenged to come up with the craziest hairstyles they could. They were each given a brand new comb, hair bands and pipe cleaners to do another girl's hair. We had a contest for the Craziest Hairstyle. They added other accessories, like balloons.

One girl had a hurt leg and couldn't sit in the circle. I didn't want her to be left out so I did her hair and let her do mine. Guess who won?

They voted for me. REALLY I AM HONORED! Is it because I was a kid for a moment, I planned the fun or because I truly had the craziest hair? You decide.

Then these crazy beautiful girls rode down the stairs in their sleeping bags like racing champions.

They had a great time! They partied hard and slept like Babes back at home. But before I sent them home I had to really overexcite them and hope to wear them out. We played PARTY music, gave them glow sticks, turned out the lights and danced the night away. Parents came to find the house pitch black with strobe lights (OK they were really the glow sticks) and a bunch of happy girls.