Thursday, May 8, 2008

I feel the love!!!

I am Luke and I am one month old.

I sure love my family!!!

And they love me!!!

Spencer's 6th Birthday

Here is Spencer opening a Magic Treehouse research guide (he loves reading)

Hey, why would I get some knee pads & wrist guards? I have no roller blades.

Oh I guess I do now. YAY!!! I have been wanting these!

WOW, these are sooooo cool! Look out Mom, I can already do tricks.

The kids got to make Spencer's cake. It is an excavation site with bones, worms, sticks and bugs. Spencer said "Wow, Mom I didn't know you knew about my hole in the backyard." Suddenly we were curious just how big this hole might be. Hmmm.

Easter / Birthday party for Spencer & Faith

Faith & Spencer both had birthdays in April and we missed out on Easter because the baby was due on Easter, so we had a easter/ birthday party for the kids and a greet the new baby too. We had a good time. My Mom and my sisters made it lots of fun! We had some friends over and all of my family, except Steven & his wife Jen and then even Great Grandpa Medell & Grandma Wilma were there. I always make my kids a special cake for their birthdays, but this year had to be different because of the baby, so my family got a cake decorator friend of theirs to make this cake for the kids. It was a very good day!

Yes, that is Dallin with the most girly bucket they had. I tried to convince everyone that the glittery hot pink bucket wasn't really for a boy, but I was too late. He chose that bucket and wasn't letting it go. Now, it looks a little more like it is for a boy because it is smeared in mud.

Faith's 8th birthday

We had a very nice day for Faith's birthday! We had taco salad for dinner (a favorite for everybody and something simple since the baby was still just 2 weeks old!) Her cake was a little more simple than I usually do, but I dyed part of the white cake pink to make it exciting. It had Strawberry frosting, as Faith had hoped for. But she screamed, jumped for joy and hugged me tight when she found I had bought Strawberry revel ice cream. It is good to know that something so simple can make someone so happy. She loved all the simple yet thoughtful gifts her brothers gave her (stickers from Christian, a stain glass craft from Spencer and candy from all of them)

While I was busy doing dishes Dallin was building an amazing tower with other dishes. I just had to take a picture because he was so proud of himself.

Getting my first bath from Grandma Medell

It is a tradition for my Mom to give the kid's their first bath once they get home. She is doing a great job and Luke seems to like it. So do all the onlookers. They are keeping close tabs on Grandma to make sure she is taking good care of the baby.