No my HAPPY NEWS is about GOIN UNDER. I have met many goals in my mission to become healthier. But I just hit the biggest one so far. I went under a number I will never see on the scale again. I cried the day I first saw it and then I went on to exceed that number by far. Some of you may be perfect and have never felt that way, but to you, there is an X on the upper right corner of your screen, you may push it now. To the rest, I want to celebrate my joy with you. I couldn't have done it without the support of many of you. Especially my friend, Lindsay, who got me started. Thank you!
I really have to thank my family because their support has been more than I could have hoped for. When I started this journey for better health, they came right along with me. They have adjusted to brown rice, wheat pasta, smaller portions, new recipes, less bread, treats & eating out, more fruits & veggies. And done it with a smile on their face. Now, that may sound like a miserable life, but we have found some of the yummiest food on the planet doesn't have to be bad for you. And we do occasionally indulge. I just ate my favorite Chinese (not good for you) and then got back on plan with a smile. I didn't have to feel guilty because occasional small indulgences are part of life. Enjoy them and then get back to a healthier lifestyle.
Now back to my supportive family. They cheer with me, give me big hugs and high fives as I reach my goals. They see how happy I am and they want me to succeed. Before this last weigh-in, my husband sent me this text. "Go Carina go! I believe in you. You can reach your goal. You can do it! Go team Carina!!!" I didn't know there was a team Carina, but if there is, they are all on it. I love them so much!
Biggest Thanks to Aaron! He is very supportive, he makes healthy meals, doesn't persuade me to eat out too often, and helps me keep the house stocked with healthy choices. He is encouraging!
And takes me hiking to enjoy God's beauty around us and to kick this fat to the curb. I love you Babe! I am glad you are getting healthier too. I want you to be around for a very long time.
Goin Under feels so good! I have been looking forward to this day. I still have a long way to go, but I know I can do it! I am loving the journey. A lifelong journey that will take us to places I never could have gone before.

A friend asked for pictures recently so here are some.
Above pic was from Christmas (two months before I started)
The picture on left was taken May 1st after I had already lost a happy amount. I remember a friend saying I looked hot.
Well I think the picture of me from yesterday is better.
One day I will post a picture of the finished product, hopefully the dress will fall off and it won't be permissible on this family blog. ;) But today I am thrilled with this.