My goal was to lose --- lbs by the Autumnal Equinox. I wanted to reach it by the end of summer, but it wouldn't be easy to achieve by the end of August. So I set it for the Equinox because that is really the end of summer, right.
Two weeks ago I was only 1.6 lbs away from my goal, so I thought I might make it. After the stress recently I was grateful to lose .2 lbs last week. I wasn't worried. I still had a few days left and being 1.4 lbs away from my goal was not something to feel bad about anyway.
The Equinox was on Wednesday, but the weigh in would have to wait. What is 2 extra days going to hurt anyway? (OK I know how to do Math. The Equinox wasn't over until Wed night and then I weigh in at 7:00 Sat morning so it isn't really 3 whole extra days) :D
Today was the day. I was thrilled my friend Lindsay could be there with me. We haven't been able to weigh in together for the last few weeks. I missed when she reached her goal and it was sad for both of us. When you step up and get the number you hope for or get even better, you smile, you feel relief, joy and pride. But when your friend is there you can shout about it & jump up and down a little bit more. We were excited to be together today. She has recommitted lately and is doing really well.
The moment of truth. Did my renewed focus make a difference? Did the break from babysitting for a few days help? How about the night hike? Did they help me get to where I wanted to be today?
YES!!! The scale was my friend today. I think we are developing quite the relationship. I hope I don't bend down and kiss it when I finally reach the Ultimate goal, but who knows I just might. ;)
I don't want to post my weight loss because I worry about what people will think, but if you judge me you aren't really my friend anyway. I think I am safe with my friends, but you have to know this is hard for me. I have been so ashamed of my weight, but it is time to break free.
I have lost 51 lbs. My goal was 50 lbs, but heck I will take the extra pound. That makes me feel better about the extra 2 1/2 days I took to reach it. I have kicked 51 pounds to the curb. They can take it out with the trash, because I don't need it anymore. I will not try to find some other use for it. It is gone and I don't want it back.
I feel good! My life has changed a lot over the last 7 1/2 months. Now, I am working on setting my next goal. I have to be realistic because the holidays are coming, the days are getting shorter, the air is getting cooler. The hikes we love to go on are coming closer to an end. But I am not giving up here. This journey continues on. I have many of you to thank for the help along the way. I hope you will continue to support me, to help me reach another and another goal. I will stand on that scale victorious! Because yes, the goal is attainable.