Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I LOVE my Leech

*Note to self* Do not look up leech on google just to make sure you spelled it right. ~Shudder~

My leech thankfully is much cuter than those disgusting slimy things. He is Irresistible, in fact. That must be how he gets away with it. What do I mean? It? And why do I call him Leech? I wish I had a picture to really show you why he is the Leech. Anyone who sits behind me at Church may know what I mean. He is so attached he almost drains the life out of me. He kisses me, hugs me, holds onto my neck as he sways back and forth (usually not slow dancing style) jumps up and down on me, all while I am trying to make sure my clothing is still covering where it should be. I often wonder what those men up in the front see each week. I have considered only wearing turtlenecks just in case. But they might be more scared wondering where my neck went. ;)

Those are the positive moments. Of course, there is evidence that there is more. Just look at the top of the blog when he isn't smiling in our family photo. I made the mistake of trying to color coordinate with the wrong child. Oops! He is trying to make it known that someone can't take him away from his Mommy. Don't. Even. Try. It. If someone comes to the house he immediately panics, because it must mean, I am leaving him. Personal space, what is that? I have absolutely no space he isn't occupying while he makes sure I am not leaving him.

Who is this adorable leech, you say? The only one who could possibly have dazzled me enough to get away with it. Meet Luke, my 2 yr old Leech.

He is talking on the HELLOPHONE. He picks it up and says "Hello Phone." See, I said it already. He is Irresistible!

But he isn't perfect. There are times he is not actually clinging to me. I so enjoy the break that I forget to worry.

He was caught painting the couch with toothpaste. (People who have known me long enough will say "At least it isn't the Bag Balm your other 2 yr old boy painted the couch with." Yes, That Is True.)

Even if I wouldn't have caught Luke bluehanded, I would have known who the culprit was

because he left a perfect hand print. No long hours working in the crime lab here. Just put his cute left hand against it and the detective work is done.

I knew he would be a good artist when he used the Raspberry Jam to paint himself, my walls and table. He also likes to use Peanut Butter, it adds nice texture. Thankfully, I didn't take a picture of his most recent use of his artistic talents. He found a zipper on my vacuum bag. Hmm, zippers are meant to be opened, right? And then what lays behind them must be inspected. As you can imagine, I had all the things that should stay in the vacuum bag spilled on the floor, chair and Tickle Me Elmo, before I caught him. Thankfully most of it stayed inside and I got a new bag and then cleaned up the mess.

But his greatest obsession is actually water. Pouring it in and out of any container that may hold water and onto any surface that may and may not absorb the water.

Add red dye to that drink and you are asking for trouble. Can't you just see it in his face?

He may sound like a little Devil, but No, he is my Leech and I love him more than I can say. All I have to do is listen to him repeat over and over again "I love you Mommy! I love you Mommy! I love you Mommy!" All while he is hanging onto my neck rocking back and forth, loving me to death. Thankfully this little leech doesn't just take. He gives and gives some more.