Two weeks ago Faith, Spencer & Christian went back to school. This was a moment they have been eagerly waiting for. Yes, they do love school that much. Is it because they love to learn? Yes and No. I would say they really miss their friends, recess, assemblies, library time, nice teachers, interactive learning and lunch. But as you can see, I did arm them with the best lunch we had to offer from our very own kitchen. No fancy cutting required. This will be Christian's first year eating at school, so it is very exciting.

They have grown up so much. I know they will look out for each other. We had a really good summer and it is hard to let them go back to school. Well that was until they went crazy with anticipation the last week of summer. I had to send them back to save all of our sanity. ;)

Super Heroes Dallin & Luke had to join in a picture. Dallin says they are going to miss them "THIS MUCH" with his arms spread wide. I am sure they will. Luke became attached to Faith this summer. She was his second Mom, so it is hard to let her go.

But they are off. We are happy! We know they will have a great year. And we will find things to fill up our time.
"Hey, where do you think you are going?" Running to catch Luke, who has made it to the next driveway. "I am not ready to send you off yet. Thank heavens there is still a few more years. Let's go inside to dance to music about barnyard animals and read favorite stories."
We had lots of fun. Then we sat and waited for them to return (
not really) But it is nice when they walk through the door, give me an "I love you" "I missed you" and a hug. I guess it is OK to send them back to school, if they will always give me a hug. And their little brothers too.

Dallin started preschool today. He was very excited. Even though he had leg cramps last night and didn't sleep the best, he was up bright and early and the first thing he said as he came out his door was. "Should I get dressed for Preschool?"
I am excited to see how well he does at this new school. We haven't attended the same preschool twice. We would have went back to the first one, but we moved out of state. Then every other one has been a let down or was too expensive. I have even done home preschool with just my kids, but I love the social part they receive and I miss the two hour break. So when a friend recommended this one at half the cost, but same benefits, I thought we would give it a shot. So far, I am impressed. She read them two books about going to school and sent home a copy of one with each of the kids to borrow and return. She also sent home a paper explaining what they did for the day. It included questions for the parents to ask the students about their day. Very impressed! Maybe this will be the first time we return to a preschool. :)

I knew all of these new adjustments would be hard on Luke, he is going to miss his buddies. So today was all about him. We went to the store, where we picked out a Toy Story bubble fan on clearance and a treat. He had fun trying to catch the bubbles, but mostly liked making a mess. He loved the Gummy worms and was more than willing to share (see Dallin is enjoying them too.) What a cutie! I think we will both adjust and be OK. Well, as long as we get our hugs. :D