Did it include an emergency fire alarm?
Not the smoke detector, just me. Run for your lives! There is mercury on the stove. Something is going to explode! Fire! Fire! Fire! (OK, maybe not that dramatic, but close)
Did it include a ruined pot?
Or a melted pot holder?
Did you have to start dinner over again?
Did your kids help you relive the nightmare over and over again?
And did your husband come home to find you crying in your daughter's lap because you just needed someone to hold you and help the nightmare go away?
REALLY, yours didn't? Well then you don't live as adventurous of a life as I do.
It wasn't really mercury, but at first glance I couldn't think what else it could be. When it was still hot, it looked just like mercury. Apparently trying to talk to kids, give spelling words, answer questions, sign planners and cook dinner for 7 kids makes you a little crazy. I forgot to put water into one of the steamers. There was water naturally in the squash so it just kept heating up. Enough to melt metal out of my 18 gauge stainless steel pot. Good news, the kids knew exactly where to meet in case of a fire. Good job guys, you even got your nieces to the right spot.
Now that I know you are all safe it is time for me to check into a loony hospital. Maybe they won't make me cook and I will be safe there.
Dangit! They apparently aren't accepting Moms who go crazy anymore. There are just too many of us, and they don't have room. I guess I will have to try to face life and hope I don't burn the house down this week. :~/