Thursday, May 8, 2008

Easter / Birthday party for Spencer & Faith

Faith & Spencer both had birthdays in April and we missed out on Easter because the baby was due on Easter, so we had a easter/ birthday party for the kids and a greet the new baby too. We had a good time. My Mom and my sisters made it lots of fun! We had some friends over and all of my family, except Steven & his wife Jen and then even Great Grandpa Medell & Grandma Wilma were there. I always make my kids a special cake for their birthdays, but this year had to be different because of the baby, so my family got a cake decorator friend of theirs to make this cake for the kids. It was a very good day!

Yes, that is Dallin with the most girly bucket they had. I tried to convince everyone that the glittery hot pink bucket wasn't really for a boy, but I was too late. He chose that bucket and wasn't letting it go. Now, it looks a little more like it is for a boy because it is smeared in mud.

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