What a simple, yet profound statement. He doesn't just love me, he loves you, and every other breathing thing in this world. That is a magnificent kind of love. Sometimes we forget he is there and loves us.
One of my favorite Primary Songs is "My Heavenly Father Loves Me." I have sang this song so many times. It helps me remember. Remember I am loved and I am blessed. It reminds me of the love he has for all of his children. He didn't want us to have a dreary place to live. He gave us beauty in the flowers & trees, in children's laughter, music, sunsets and sunrises, meteor showers, animals, and the contrast of the earth. I could go on & on. I love to go to the mountains here and in Southern Utah to get immersed in the beauty and wonder of his creations. I want my children to see the beauty their Heavenly Father gave to them.
I have sang this song to my children from the time they were born. It started when Faith was so sick for the first part of her life. It was hard to leave her in someone else's care, but we couldn't be at the NICU 24 hrs a day. My sisters wanted to help. They sang Primary Songs into a recorder to make a tape for Faith. The NICU nurses played that tape when we were getting rest at night. They said she really responded well to it. And this was one of those songs. When I was with her I would sing to her. I loved singing "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" to her because it gave me peace to know we were loved and we would be OK. But I also loved the thought of her being able to live and to see the beautiful creations he has blessed us with. She did live. She is one of his creations and because he designed the body so intricately, her brain was able to adjust and other parts take over from the damage caused at birth. Miraculously she can see the beauty of the world, walk and run upon the grass when the dew is still fresh, hike up a mountain and see the sunset, laugh, talk and write stories of the world around us.
I pray we may remember our Father's love each time we see the beauty of a flower opening up in the morning, or the sun setting over the Mountains. When we hear laughter, or music fill our soul. When we are touched, hugged and loved by others. When we see he has blessed us with bodies that can explore the other creations he has given us.
"My Heavenly Father Loves Me" is one of my favorite songs, but this video has made me love it even more. The music and images are stunning. It is one of the best videos I have seen. I hope you will enjoy it as well.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Is the goal attainable?
When setting a goal you have to think if it is really something you can achieve. I have been setting little goals, even though none of them are a small accomplishment in my life. They are just little ones inching towards my big goal.
My goal was to lose --- lbs by the Autumnal Equinox. I wanted to reach it by the end of summer, but it wouldn't be easy to achieve by the end of August. So I set it for the Equinox because that is really the end of summer, right.
Two weeks ago I was only 1.6 lbs away from my goal, so I thought I might make it. After the stress recently I was grateful to lose .2 lbs last week. I wasn't worried. I still had a few days left and being 1.4 lbs away from my goal was not something to feel bad about anyway.
The Equinox was on Wednesday, but the weigh in would have to wait. What is 2 extra days going to hurt anyway? (OK I know how to do Math. The Equinox wasn't over until Wed night and then I weigh in at 7:00 Sat morning so it isn't really 3 whole extra days) :D
Today was the day. I was thrilled my friend Lindsay could be there with me. We haven't been able to weigh in together for the last few weeks. I missed when she reached her goal and it was sad for both of us. When you step up and get the number you hope for or get even better, you smile, you feel relief, joy and pride. But when your friend is there you can shout about it & jump up and down a little bit more. We were excited to be together today. She has recommitted lately and is doing really well.
The moment of truth. Did my renewed focus make a difference? Did the break from babysitting for a few days help? How about the night hike? Did they help me get to where I wanted to be today?
YES!!! The scale was my friend today. I think we are developing quite the relationship. I hope I don't bend down and kiss it when I finally reach the Ultimate goal, but who knows I just might. ;)
I don't want to post my weight loss because I worry about what people will think, but if you judge me you aren't really my friend anyway. I think I am safe with my friends, but you have to know this is hard for me. I have been so ashamed of my weight, but it is time to break free.
I have lost 51 lbs. My goal was 50 lbs, but heck I will take the extra pound. That makes me feel better about the extra 2 1/2 days I took to reach it. I have kicked 51 pounds to the curb. They can take it out with the trash, because I don't need it anymore. I will not try to find some other use for it. It is gone and I don't want it back.
I feel good! My life has changed a lot over the last 7 1/2 months. Now, I am working on setting my next goal. I have to be realistic because the holidays are coming, the days are getting shorter, the air is getting cooler. The hikes we love to go on are coming closer to an end. But I am not giving up here. This journey continues on. I have many of you to thank for the help along the way. I hope you will continue to support me, to help me reach another and another goal. I will stand on that scale victorious! Because yes, the goal is attainable.
This was me last week. It is the best picture I have right now.
My goal was to lose --- lbs by the Autumnal Equinox. I wanted to reach it by the end of summer, but it wouldn't be easy to achieve by the end of August. So I set it for the Equinox because that is really the end of summer, right.
Two weeks ago I was only 1.6 lbs away from my goal, so I thought I might make it. After the stress recently I was grateful to lose .2 lbs last week. I wasn't worried. I still had a few days left and being 1.4 lbs away from my goal was not something to feel bad about anyway.
The Equinox was on Wednesday, but the weigh in would have to wait. What is 2 extra days going to hurt anyway? (OK I know how to do Math. The Equinox wasn't over until Wed night and then I weigh in at 7:00 Sat morning so it isn't really 3 whole extra days) :D
Today was the day. I was thrilled my friend Lindsay could be there with me. We haven't been able to weigh in together for the last few weeks. I missed when she reached her goal and it was sad for both of us. When you step up and get the number you hope for or get even better, you smile, you feel relief, joy and pride. But when your friend is there you can shout about it & jump up and down a little bit more. We were excited to be together today. She has recommitted lately and is doing really well.
The moment of truth. Did my renewed focus make a difference? Did the break from babysitting for a few days help? How about the night hike? Did they help me get to where I wanted to be today?
YES!!! The scale was my friend today. I think we are developing quite the relationship. I hope I don't bend down and kiss it when I finally reach the Ultimate goal, but who knows I just might. ;)
I don't want to post my weight loss because I worry about what people will think, but if you judge me you aren't really my friend anyway. I think I am safe with my friends, but you have to know this is hard for me. I have been so ashamed of my weight, but it is time to break free.
I have lost 51 lbs. My goal was 50 lbs, but heck I will take the extra pound. That makes me feel better about the extra 2 1/2 days I took to reach it. I have kicked 51 pounds to the curb. They can take it out with the trash, because I don't need it anymore. I will not try to find some other use for it. It is gone and I don't want it back.
I feel good! My life has changed a lot over the last 7 1/2 months. Now, I am working on setting my next goal. I have to be realistic because the holidays are coming, the days are getting shorter, the air is getting cooler. The hikes we love to go on are coming closer to an end. But I am not giving up here. This journey continues on. I have many of you to thank for the help along the way. I hope you will continue to support me, to help me reach another and another goal. I will stand on that scale victorious! Because yes, the goal is attainable.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Did your Wednesday include
Silver aliens?

Did it include an emergency fire alarm?

Not the smoke detector, just me. Run for your lives! There is mercury on the stove. Something is going to explode! Fire! Fire! Fire! (OK, maybe not that dramatic, but close)

Did it include a ruined pot?

Or a melted pot holder?

Did you have to start dinner over again?
And then after being in the kitchen for 3 hrs, did your new squash casserole taste terrible because you thought some of that squash was salvageable? I tasted it first and it was fine, hmm...

Did your kids help you relive the nightmare over and over again?
And did your husband come home to find you crying in your daughter's lap because you just needed someone to hold you and help the nightmare go away?
REALLY, yours didn't? Well then you don't live as adventurous of a life as I do.
It wasn't really mercury, but at first glance I couldn't think what else it could be. When it was still hot, it looked just like mercury. Apparently trying to talk to kids, give spelling words, answer questions, sign planners and cook dinner for 7 kids makes you a little crazy. I forgot to put water into one of the steamers. There was water naturally in the squash so it just kept heating up. Enough to melt metal out of my 18 gauge stainless steel pot. Good news, the kids knew exactly where to meet in case of a fire. Good job guys, you even got your nieces to the right spot.
Now that I know you are all safe it is time for me to check into a loony hospital. Maybe they won't make me cook and I will be safe there.
Dangit! They apparently aren't accepting Moms who go crazy anymore. There are just too many of us, and they don't have room. I guess I will have to try to face life and hope I don't burn the house down this week. :~/
Did it include an emergency fire alarm?
Not the smoke detector, just me. Run for your lives! There is mercury on the stove. Something is going to explode! Fire! Fire! Fire! (OK, maybe not that dramatic, but close)
Did it include a ruined pot?
Or a melted pot holder?
Did you have to start dinner over again?
Did your kids help you relive the nightmare over and over again?
And did your husband come home to find you crying in your daughter's lap because you just needed someone to hold you and help the nightmare go away?
REALLY, yours didn't? Well then you don't live as adventurous of a life as I do.
It wasn't really mercury, but at first glance I couldn't think what else it could be. When it was still hot, it looked just like mercury. Apparently trying to talk to kids, give spelling words, answer questions, sign planners and cook dinner for 7 kids makes you a little crazy. I forgot to put water into one of the steamers. There was water naturally in the squash so it just kept heating up. Enough to melt metal out of my 18 gauge stainless steel pot. Good news, the kids knew exactly where to meet in case of a fire. Good job guys, you even got your nieces to the right spot.
Now that I know you are all safe it is time for me to check into a loony hospital. Maybe they won't make me cook and I will be safe there.
Dangit! They apparently aren't accepting Moms who go crazy anymore. There are just too many of us, and they don't have room. I guess I will have to try to face life and hope I don't burn the house down this week. :~/
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I LOVE my Leech
*Note to self* Do not look up leech on google just to make sure you spelled it right. ~Shudder~
My leech thankfully is much cuter than those disgusting slimy things. He is Irresistible, in fact. That must be how he gets away with it. What do I mean? It? And why do I call him Leech? I wish I had a picture to really show you why he is the Leech. Anyone who sits behind me at Church may know what I mean. He is so attached he almost drains the life out of me. He kisses me, hugs me, holds onto my neck as he sways back and forth (usually not slow dancing style) jumps up and down on me, all while I am trying to make sure my clothing is still covering where it should be. I often wonder what those men up in the front see each week. I have considered only wearing turtlenecks just in case. But they might be more scared wondering where my neck went. ;)
Those are the positive moments. Of course, there is evidence that there is more. Just look at the top of the blog when he isn't smiling in our family photo. I made the mistake of trying to color coordinate with the wrong child. Oops! He is trying to make it known that someone can't take him away from his Mommy. Don't. Even. Try. It. If someone comes to the house he immediately panics, because it must mean, I am leaving him. Personal space, what is that? I have absolutely no space he isn't occupying while he makes sure I am not leaving him.
Who is this adorable leech, you say? The only one who could possibly have dazzled me enough to get away with it. Meet Luke, my 2 yr old Leech.

He is talking on the HELLOPHONE. He picks it up and says "Hello Phone." See, I said it already. He is Irresistible!
But he isn't perfect. There are times he is not actually clinging to me. I so enjoy the break that I forget to worry.
He was caught painting the couch with toothpaste. (People who have known me long enough will say "At least it isn't the Bag Balm your other 2 yr old boy painted the couch with." Yes, That Is True.)
Even if I wouldn't have caught Luke bluehanded, I would have known who the culprit was
because he left a perfect hand print. No long hours working in the crime lab here. Just put his cute left hand against it and the detective work is done.
I knew he would be a good artist when he used the Raspberry Jam to paint himself, my walls and table. He also likes to use Peanut Butter, it adds nice texture. Thankfully, I didn't take a picture of his most recent use of his artistic talents. He found a zipper on my vacuum bag. Hmm, zippers are meant to be opened, right? And then what lays behind them must be inspected. As you can imagine, I had all the things that should stay in the vacuum bag spilled on the floor, chair and Tickle Me Elmo, before I caught him. Thankfully most of it stayed inside and I got a new bag and then cleaned up the mess.
But his greatest obsession is actually water. Pouring it in and out of any container that may hold water and onto any surface that may and may not absorb the water.
Add red dye to that drink and you are asking for trouble. Can't you just see it in his face?
He may sound like a little Devil, but No, he is my Leech and I love him more than I can say. All I have to do is listen to him repeat over and over again "I love you Mommy! I love you Mommy! I love you Mommy!" All while he is hanging onto my neck rocking back and forth, loving me to death. Thankfully this little leech doesn't just take. He gives and gives some more.
My leech thankfully is much cuter than those disgusting slimy things. He is Irresistible, in fact. That must be how he gets away with it. What do I mean? It? And why do I call him Leech? I wish I had a picture to really show you why he is the Leech. Anyone who sits behind me at Church may know what I mean. He is so attached he almost drains the life out of me. He kisses me, hugs me, holds onto my neck as he sways back and forth (usually not slow dancing style) jumps up and down on me, all while I am trying to make sure my clothing is still covering where it should be. I often wonder what those men up in the front see each week. I have considered only wearing turtlenecks just in case. But they might be more scared wondering where my neck went. ;)
Those are the positive moments. Of course, there is evidence that there is more. Just look at the top of the blog when he isn't smiling in our family photo. I made the mistake of trying to color coordinate with the wrong child. Oops! He is trying to make it known that someone can't take him away from his Mommy. Don't. Even. Try. It. If someone comes to the house he immediately panics, because it must mean, I am leaving him. Personal space, what is that? I have absolutely no space he isn't occupying while he makes sure I am not leaving him.
Who is this adorable leech, you say? The only one who could possibly have dazzled me enough to get away with it. Meet Luke, my 2 yr old Leech.
He is talking on the HELLOPHONE. He picks it up and says "Hello Phone." See, I said it already. He is Irresistible!
But he isn't perfect. There are times he is not actually clinging to me. I so enjoy the break that I forget to worry.
Even if I wouldn't have caught Luke bluehanded, I would have known who the culprit was
But his greatest obsession is actually water. Pouring it in and out of any container that may hold water and onto any surface that may and may not absorb the water.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Visiting the Fire House
We had one thing left to check off before Spencer could earn his Wolf badge, so it was off to the Fire Station to learn about safety. We had no idea what a great activity we were in for. We learned a lot more than just safety.
This large truck has a ladder that can extend 200 ft. It is Wonderful that they can save someone who is so far from safety. If I was in that situation, I would be grateful, but they might have to knock me out to get me on that thing. The truck can also pump enough water to fill 50 bathtubs in a minute. WHOA, I wouldn't want to be in the way of that. This is a truck to be reckoned with.
In the back there are extra ladders for smaller jobs. There are big hoses and small hoses. We saw the jaws of life they use to extract people from a car if needed. The kids were given the chance to try to carry it. THOSE are Industrial and not even close to lightweight. They have several saws, air tanks, axes and lots of equipment to make boys drool. Especially the helmet that can amplify the sound of your voice and attaches to the radio equipment (all they could think was WAY COOL WALKIE TALKIES)
We didn't know that 80% of a Firefighter's job is responding to medical needs. All Firefighters have to be an EMT and several are full level paramedics. That is why they respond to car wrecks and when 911 is called.
Captain DeGering was a wonderful guide. He opened up the Ambulance and had the kids climb in for a lesson about what Firefighters do. He taught them how an IV is administered and what they use them for. He turned on the Defibrillator and explained how it can restart someone's heart. The kids learned about Diabetes, Heart Attacks and that there is always a paramedic specialized in airways because oxygen is the first thing we have to worry about. He had us hold our breath as long as we could. We didn't make it a minute (Yes, I let it out first. Dallin's cheeks were so HUGE, I had to laugh. ~Mom, this is serious~) In 3 minutes the brain can start to die. I am telling you this guy had our kids complete attention.
Then he let them try on his gear. Dallin can't quite fill his shoes or pants yet.
And Spencer still has a little more to grow to fit this life saving jacket.
This is what a real firefighter looks like all geared up and ready to go. No skin showing anywhere, right kids?
And this is what Future Firefighters look like. Irresistible, aren't they? Before they got the nice hats and badges they had to promise some things pertaining to safety. NO Playing with Matches or Lighters and Always Buckle Up in the car. YES SIR! I breathed a sigh of relief.
Before we left, we learned that a Fire Station is also called a Fire House because they live there. I didn't take pictures of that, but they showed us their Kitchen, TV/Training Room, the Showers, Workout room, and even their bedrooms.
I have always feared my kids might become a Firefighter. I know, I am weak. It has to be hard waiting for them to make it home safely. These guys work harder than almost anybody. They are on for 48 hrs training, exercising, planning, cleaning, working many jobs and saving people's lives. They have to be organized, focused and hard workers willing to put their life on the line to save someone else they usually don't know. They are to be admired, respected and need our Gratitude. Captain DeGering, Your Team and All Firefighters, THANK YOU for all you do.
Before we left, we learned that a Fire Station is also called a Fire House because they live there. I didn't take pictures of that, but they showed us their Kitchen, TV/Training Room, the Showers, Workout room, and even their bedrooms.
I have always feared my kids might become a Firefighter. I know, I am weak. It has to be hard waiting for them to make it home safely. These guys work harder than almost anybody. They are on for 48 hrs training, exercising, planning, cleaning, working many jobs and saving people's lives. They have to be organized, focused and hard workers willing to put their life on the line to save someone else they usually don't know. They are to be admired, respected and need our Gratitude. Captain DeGering, Your Team and All Firefighters, THANK YOU for all you do.
Monday, September 6, 2010
It is Back to School Time
"Hey, where do you think you are going?" Running to catch Luke, who has made it to the next driveway. "I am not ready to send you off yet. Thank heavens there is still a few more years. Let's go inside to dance to music about barnyard animals and read favorite stories."
We had lots of fun. Then we sat and waited for them to return (not really) But it is nice when they walk through the door, give me an "I love you" "I missed you" and a hug. I guess it is OK to send them back to school, if they will always give me a hug. And their little brothers too.
I am excited to see how well he does at this new school. We haven't attended the same preschool twice. We would have went back to the first one, but we moved out of state. Then every other one has been a let down or was too expensive. I have even done home preschool with just my kids, but I love the social part they receive and I miss the two hour break. So when a friend recommended this one at half the cost, but same benefits, I thought we would give it a shot. So far, I am impressed. She read them two books about going to school and sent home a copy of one with each of the kids to borrow and return. She also sent home a paper explaining what they did for the day. It included questions for the parents to ask the students about their day. Very impressed! Maybe this will be the first time we return to a preschool. :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
He is my son!
Spencer LOVES Percy Jackson and the Olympians. We only own the first book of the series. When my husband found him reading it for the 9th time, he asked him how many times he is going to read that book. Spencer said "Until the pages fall apart and the words fade off of them."
Yep! He is my son! I do prefer a little different style, but I feel the same way about a good book. I just finished "Catching Fire" the sequal of the Hunger Games. I immediately started to reread parts of that book and then wanted to start it over again.
Yep! He is my son! I do prefer a little different style, but I feel the same way about a good book. I just finished "Catching Fire" the sequal of the Hunger Games. I immediately started to reread parts of that book and then wanted to start it over again.
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