We had one thing left to check off before Spencer could earn his Wolf badge, so it was off to the Fire Station to learn about safety. We had no idea what a great activity we were in for. We learned a lot more than just safety.

This large truck has a ladder that can extend 200 ft. It is Wonderful that they can save someone who is so far from safety. If I was in that situation, I would be grateful, but they might have to knock me out to get me on that thing. The truck can also pump enough water to fill 50 bathtubs in a minute. WHOA, I wouldn't want to be in the way of that. This is a truck to be reckoned with.

In the back there are extra ladders for smaller jobs. There are big hoses and small hoses. We saw the jaws of life they use to extract people from a car if needed. The kids were given the chance to try to carry it. THOSE are Industrial and not even close to lightweight. They have several saws, air tanks, axes and lots of equipment to make boys drool. Especially the helmet that can amplify the sound of your voice and attaches to the radio equipment (all they could think was WAY COOL WALKIE TALKIES)

We didn't know that 80% of a Firefighter's job is responding to medical needs. All Firefighters have to be an EMT and several are full level paramedics. That is why they respond to car wrecks and when 911 is called.

Captain DeGering was a wonderful guide. He opened up the Ambulance and had the kids climb in for a lesson about what Firefighters do. He taught them how an IV is administered and what they use them for. He turned on the Defibrillator and explained how it can restart someone's heart. The kids learned about Diabetes, Heart Attacks and that there is always a paramedic specialized in airways because oxygen is the first thing we have to worry about. He had us hold our breath as long as we could. We didn't make it a minute (Yes, I let it out first. Dallin's cheeks were so HUGE, I had to laugh. ~Mom, this is serious~) In 3 minutes the brain can start to die. I am telling you this guy had our kids complete attention.

Then he let them try on his gear. Dallin can't quite fill his shoes or pants yet.

And Spencer still has a little more to grow to fit this life saving jacket.

This is what a real firefighter looks like all geared up and ready to go. No skin showing anywhere, right kids?

And this is what Future Firefighters look like. Irresistible, aren't they? Before they got the nice hats and badges they had to promise some things pertaining to safety. NO Playing with Matches or Lighters and Always Buckle Up in the car. YES SIR! I breathed a sigh of relief.
Before we left, we learned that a Fire Station is also called a Fire House because they live there. I didn't take pictures of that, but they showed us their Kitchen, TV/Training Room, the Showers, Workout room, and even their bedrooms.
I have always feared my kids might become a Firefighter. I know, I am weak. It has to be hard waiting for them to make it home safely. These guys work harder than almost anybody. They are on for 48 hrs training, exercising, planning, cleaning, working many jobs and saving people's lives. They have to be organized, focused and hard workers willing to put their life on the line to save someone else they usually don't know. They are to be admired, respected and need our Gratitude. Captain DeGering, Your Team and All Firefighters, THANK YOU for all you do.
And they look good in a uniform too! ;)
ReplyDeleteYes, I can't and won't dispute that. Men in Uniform look good. My sister & I were talking today about how we love to see Men dressed up. So Aaron, love, if you notice all worn out jeans are missing, it might be because I find you irresistible when you dress up. We will call it your uniform. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun trip! I think it's kind of funny that a fire truck came to my kids' school today to do the fire safety talk. Fun!
ReplyDeleteWhat a neat day! And Faith's hair is beautiful, by the way. So how did you arrange this trip? Did you call before hand and schedule it or did you just show up? Fill me in! Sounds awesome!
ReplyDeleteJess, we called and set up the tour with the Fire Dept. There is the risk that they may be called away for an emergency, but I guess it was quiet that night. Thankfully!
ReplyDeleteYes, Faith's hair is very pretty. She is going to donate to Locks of Love in the Spring. They said it will be enough to do two ponytails of it. It is long enough now, but she wants it to keep her warm in the winter. She almost did it just before school started, but we weren't ready. I am not quite ready to give up doing her hair in fun hairstyles.