Spencer was baptized by his Dad on May 1, 2010. Spencer was excited that this day had finally come. He was ready and eager to follow the Savior's example. During the service he was asked why he was being baptized. Without hesitation, he said "Because I want to. I want to follow Jesus and be a good example for my brothers." Many times I was touched by the Spirit and felt emotional and overwhelmed to be part of this special day. He asked me to sing "When I am Baptized" with him, it was hard to get through as I could see tears in others eyes as well.
I am thankful that he has learned so much about our Savior, that he made the decision to be baptized because he wanted to and not because anyone expected it of him.
Spencer, we love you! We are blessed to have you as our son. You give us much joy! You seek to learn all you can and teach us as well. Thank you for being a good example. We had a wonderful day! I hope you will always remember it.

Spencer asked for a figurine to keep in his room to remind him to Choose The Right. My Mom was thrilled to find this one that looked so much like Spencer. It is a great reminder of what will help him the most in his life. And from his other Grandparents he got a gift that will be another valuable tool to guide him, a full set of scriptures. He loves them and uses them often. Thank you for choosing such perfect gifts.

We had a lot of support from family & friends at the baptism, so what do you need when you have lots of people? That is right.... FOOD. So I made Spencer a fun cake to celebrate the day. Why yes, that is Woody. I bet you didn't know he was
that kind of hero, did ya? :)
We are thankful for all of those who supported Spencer on his special day. Many came, but we only caught a few on film.

Here is our family with some of Spencer's cousins, Annie & Belle. Their parents, Alex & Heidi were also there.

Our family with my Mom, Aunt Annette, my sisters Kendra & Melissa, my brother Steve, his wife Jen and baby Grayson. My Dad was resting at the time of the picture, but he was there also.

Here is a picture of our family and proof that he really is just a regular 8 yr old boy after all.

This is a much nicer picture of the kids, more what I was hoping for.

And then in true Bennett fashion we had to have a good laugh.
It was a very, very good day!
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