Christian, after he learned how to read and have as many adventures in books as he wants. He still is cute isn't he?

Spencer, after he learned multiplication. I have heard Math is great for the brain, but does it have to accelerate things and make him grow up so quick?

Faith, after she learned history about the Utah Indians and the many counties in Utah. When thinking about our heritage and what others have done to give us what we have, she seemed to grow up over night.

These are some nice pictures of the kids towards the end of the school year. I was thinking it must be the school's fault that my kids are growing up faster than I can blink, but then I remembered something. When asked by Aunt Marie why my kids are growing up so fast. Dallin (4 yr old) said "BECAUSE WE EAT SO FAST." Ha-ha, I guess it is
my fault after all. ;)
Ya, don't feed your kids. See what happens.... :)