Monday, October 4, 2010


We are grateful for the support we have received from friends and family. It lifts my spirits to know someone else would ask God to look after my family. With all of the trials combined lately, it has been a heavy load to carry. But then, I feel the Lord's tender mercies lift me up. It is then, that I think those prayers have sustained me. The Lord came along and lightened my load as the scriptures say he will. Mosiah 24:14-15, 21 Reading this scripture made me weep with gratitude. He carried my burdens when I couldn't and now he has taken a lot of it away. I am no longer babysitting. I can't begin to express the gratitude I feel for this.

We are also extremely grateful for the kindness we have received from Doctors and nurses. The first Dr. who diagnosed Spencer was too rushed to take the time he needed to. At first he told me it was an allergic reaction to a bug bite. Two of our children swell up huge from bug bites and this WAS NOT the same. I made him look again. I had to point out the major difference was the heat surrounding the wound, which indicated an infection. Thankfully he looked again and realized it was cellulitis (an infection of the skin). The wound took a turn for the worse so rapidly that I know I would have went back demanding a Dr. look again. Nurses answered my questions & were compassionate when I called. The medicine finally was working and then 2 weeks later it took a scary turn.

The Dr. & nurse on shift the night it abscessed were nice, but should have taken more time to make sure Spencer was comfortable. They immediately began the incision after they finished administering the numbing agent. It takes me a while to get numb and I think Spencer inherited it. He felt everything. He screamed and screamed some more. I held him down and tried to comfort him. It was terrible. Every time we go back to a Dr. he remembers the pain. He has been so afraid. When I took care of the wound, he cried tears of gratitude & hugged me tight thanking me again & again . He knew I loved him and wouldn't hurt him if I could help it.

I couldn't believe it when I found another abscess while Aaron was at Priesthood Conference. This was going to be hard. Spencer received a priesthood blessing before we went (not his first). Our neighbor, Rich, came over to help. Both he and Aaron spoke with Spencer before & after the blessing to try to comfort him. His faith was being tried. He had been praying. He was trying to show faith, but he was afraid. After the blessing he told me "I feel the best I have ever felt after a blessing. Next to when I was baptized I mean." Thank you Father in Heaven for giving him the comfort he needed.

Thankfully the staff that helped on his second abscess took all of the time they could to make sure he was comfortable. We got to the clinic around 8:40 Saturday night, but we didn't see anyone until 10:10. Even though their clinic closed at 10:00, the staff listened to our concerns. Because of the wait & fatigue we were both about spent. They took extra time and showed him so much compassion. I again held him and this time we both cried. I wanted to protect him and couldn't. I couldn't keep bad things from happening to him, but I would hold him no matter what. We needed the Lord to lift us both up. We both left feeling grateful for the angels that attended him that night.

Spencer was afraid when we went to the Dr again today, but our pediatrician helped ease his fears. It was painful because they don't numb the area for this procedure, but they took such good care of him. His nerves relaxed and he was extremely brave through the last part. Our Dr even gave him a hug. Our faith has been restored in those who show compassion and help lift others burdens. The Lord can't always be there, so he sends his angels. I am thankful we have had angels there to hold us up when we need it.

Spencer's leg is not all better, but it is showing signs of improvement. We appreciate your prayers. They do make a difference.


  1. No more babysitting?! You're free!!! Thank you for sharing your testimony of the power of prayer, and how strong and faithful your sweet Spencer is. Heavenly Father blesses us with these incredible children so that our faith can stay strong. Thank you!

  2. Carina, I had no idea poor little Spencer was going through all this. What a brave boy! I am sure you have already told him this, but be sure to remind him how much like Joseph Smith he is! Joseph had the doctors work on his leg without numbing medication and he was brave, just like Spencer. We have been praying for you every night since you told me all this. If there is ANYTHING I can do, please don't hesitate to ask! You know I'd do anything for you. I feel honored to call you my friend.

  3. Yeah, Lindsay, I would love a Girls Night Out when I am sure this is over. A small scare today, but I hope it is a fluke. Oh and can we somehow transport Jessica here? That would make me VERY HAPPY!


    What? That 2nd request was over the top!?!

  4. Carina, your faith is so strong. You are inspiring and amazing. Your quiet determination and sense of right are beautiful things. Congrats on not having to babysit anymore and more so for trudging through the trial the best you could. Tell Spencer that our prayers are still with him and you! Sometimes God's time table is not the same as ours, but his comforter will always help us. Love from afar.
