Instead of enjoying the thought provoking, soul searching and deeply meaningful experience Conference is supposed to be. Conference comes as an adrenaline rush.
Really it was more exciting than I wanted my Conference experience to be.
Then, these last two weeks when we normally try to gear up for the uplifting messages from our beloved prophet and leaders. We have been dealing with a serious infection in Spencer's leg. We are waiting to hear the exact results from the culture, but they strongly feel it is MRSA. It has been a scary ride. Seriously, not a fun way to start Conference. But at least it was before Conference, so now we can refill our drained reserves.
Well apparently we weren't done with the tradition yet.
We went on a family walk between Conference Sessions. I am doing a 5K next week so I wanted to see how fast I could go. Spencer couldn't go quite as fast even though he was doing really good. His leg is feeling a lot better, but it is not back up to full strength yet. His medicine also makes him sensitive to the sun, so he has to really hydrate. Aaron held back with him, even though Aaron wanted to go fast because he is doing a 10K in 3 weeks. Suddenly they decided to try to catch up. Aaron started running while pushing the stroller. A wheel hit an unexpected bump and took a nosedive with Luke intact. He is now at InstaCare getting stitches. ~Sigh~ The tradition continues.
What are your traditions for Conference? I think we need a new one.
***Addendum*** read my comment below. The tradition continued.
Our tradition is on Sunday we stay in our jammies all day. It's nice.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about all your family traditions. I hope you all stop getting hurt soon! I'll say a little prayer.
I love our quirky tradition but we need to replace it with something better
ReplyDeleteSounds like your new conference tradition should involve all five kids AND Aaron, Nyquil, and lots of Duct tape. There's some quality family time for ya!
ReplyDeleteSeriously this is a sick twisted tradition. If tomorrow is anything like today, I might boycott Conference. Even though I really do love it! Couldn't we do it some other time of the year? Then I can feel strengthened instead of hit by a tidal wave?
ReplyDeleteSpencer went back to the Dr with a new abscess 1 & 1/2 inches away from the other one. Plus Luke's stitches. I might stay in bed tomorrow.
So sorry your Conference weekend was so rough! Your poor babies!!!
ReplyDeleteI seriously hope your Sunday session was so much better!
Oh goodness girl. I hope it isn't MRSA. You're both in my prayers! Keep us posted.
ReplyDeleteToday was better. Conference was WONDERFUL! Sadly I was too tired, stir crazy and worried to enjoy it like I should have, but I did hear both of Pres. Monson's talks. I am SO THANKFUL it is online. I am going to watch some here & there to get more out of it. What a great gift to Moms. Thanks Heavenly Father!
ReplyDeleteSpencer is going to our pediatrician tomorrow. It is swelling a little and the redness is starting again. We will be going to Primary Children's Hospital if it isn't better in the morning.
We are praying for a miracle or for more peace to get us through. My Faith is strong, but it is hard when your child is in pain and at risk for a serious problem. It is still unknown what it could be. Hopefully we will get some answers tomorrow.